söndag 25 oktober 2009

sweet sunday

Today is Sunday,and that means HOLIDAY!!!,the gym is closed on sundays,so i went to the beach with some friends,and it was really hot today,but when i sat down in my beach chair,all the fuckin clouds in thailand came to greet me....so im still as white as the day i arrived at the airport one month ago!!
But white is what everybody here wants to be!,u will never see a thai licking sun at a beach,instead they like to bring an umbrella if its sunny,or why not a skimask..still remember first time i saw a guy with a skimask,in the middle of the day,i was inside a 7 eleven and he came in,and i thought he was robbing the place(to many movies),but all he wanted was a pack of smokes..its rather easy i guess,the poor people working in the ricefields and so on,they got really black skin,but the rich and glamourous stays inside during the day,wich gives them white skin,so basically the darker skin u got,the poorer u are.and all the beutiful people in the soap operas wich is playing 24/7 here is ofcourse very white.So all u ladies leaving for thailand,be aware when u buy skinproducts in the stores here(bodylotion etc..)almost all products contains somekind of whitening lotion!!

Took massage last night(120b) felt sorry for the old lady,my legs were a mess,the weeks hard training had made all the muscles all cramped up and rockhard,she lasted 40 minutes then she had to take a break.it seemed lika a legit massageplace,but then the boss of the place asked me if i wanted to go upstairs,for a more intimate massage.
-Many beutiful girls upstairs,he said.
Im fine,I responded,just really need a good massage..

Last night i ate at a mexican restaurant,then i went to the movies,i saw Surrogates,with Bruce Willis,wasnt good at all,like a rip off of I ROBOT.
thats how i spend my saturdays night out here in thailand..
Its 1 month until its time to step into the ring,so now all focus is on training,and its a tough life,i have to start watch my wheight to,and thats one of the hardest things,like torture really,you train like a madman and your body is screaming for food,but you cant eat how much u want and more sad,what u want:( after some weeks u could kill for a pizza...
The worst wheightloss i have made,was at the last Swedish Championship,I was gonna fight at -81kg,so ihad to cut down 5kgs and it was a struggle,more on the pshycological level then then fhysical,i dreamt about food all the time.
But i just barely made the wheigh inn,in the morning,and then i could eat to get my power back for the fight,and it turned out i was gonna fight like 18.00 o clock,and i won the fight,and made it to the finals,I got back to the hotel at around 20,00 an when i checked my wheight the scale said 86,4kg!!! and next morning we had to check wheight again for the finalfights,so i had to loose 5.5kg in a few hours,now that was a struggle...
But this time im fighting in -86kg,so it wont be to bad,actually im like 82kg now,so ihave some muscles to gain.

now its time to looka the game thats playing..liverpool man u!!!!!!!!!!
fridens liljor

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