lördag 3 oktober 2009

easy life

Hello si!!!

First of all i have to admit that i made a mistake in my last post,the camp im staying at now is called Sitjaipedtch,i wrote the post right after training,and i mixed up the names,i just came back from training now aswell,and lets just say i aint crisp...the trainers are really pushing me hard,me and my trainer start the day with a long run,all the way to the base of Buddha hill( a small mountain with a monestary on the top),and i run all the way to the top and then back again ,and then back to the camp,and ofcourse my trainer stay on his motorbike the whole time:)

Then i start of with some round at the bags,(1 round here is 4 minutes) and then its time for the pad rounds,and they are tough,almost only double kicks,and each round we finish of with 10 kicks per leg.

But i really likes this camp,i will go up nort this month to train at my other homecamp,but im thinking about staying at this camp for the duration of my stay.

Otherwise there is not much happening over here,im just chilling in the days,and tomorrow is sunday,so the camp is closed,so maybe its a good time to go to the beach and work on my tan:)

and take my first swim in the ocean...

Ok take care back home.

Hanky Panky

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