onsdag 21 oktober 2009

My new hobby

Just finished a meal of chicken with cashewnuts,and this is my new hobby,by now i train 2 sessions a day,and my brain has got used to this very monotom lifestyle,eat,train,sleep,eat..

I started the day with a morning run,and came back and had a protein shake,and then took a nap(zzz)woke up and went to Carrefour(a big supermarketchain,from france i think)
and they have food court,this is the shit!!! u charge a foodcreditcard wit an amount of your choice,and then u can use it in any of the 25 small foodshops,its mainly thaifood,but they have sushi,pasta,pizza aswell(i had all 3 today..)
but its a really good idea,we should have that in sweden.
After that i went inside the supermarket,and bought egg,minced pork(for my morning omelette)
anf coffee and some other stuff,got back to my room and had a big cup of coffee and read my book,this is my youga of the day,a good book and coffee,its so relaxing..
Then i took my bike to training,and today was my best session so far,my trainers arms gave up after 4 rounds,from the pounding of my kicks,tha last rounds i was only allowed to knee..

wow,itr getting late,and im off to say goodbye to a friend who is leaving tomorrow.

ha det bäst allihop!!


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