tisdag 27 oktober 2009

Kings,cops and coloured shirts

wanna start off with that i saw an amazing film lastnight,Law Obainding Citizen,i think it was called,with jamie foxx,it was really good!! check it out if it you can..

If u been to the movies in Thailand,then u know that before the movies starts,all of the people inside the cinema have to stand up and watch a 5 minute movie in celebration to his majesty the king,i really like that the thais r so proud of their country,everyday at 18.00 o clock,all the channels play the national anthem and ofcourse pictures of the king,i remember one time,a guy ask me if we have a king in sweden,and i said yeah sure.

Then he wanted to see a picture,but i said i didnt have one on me,and he was schocked..

-you dont like your king?

i said he is ok,but if they would know about our relationship with our king,i mean he is like a mascot almost,and all the shit he gets in the media,and hey baberiba and stuff,he is like a joke for most of us.

Here its VERY different, you want an exampel??

Ok,some years ago there was one man from switzerland,that was drunk and he drew a moustach on a painting of the king,and the thais that saw this,beat the shit out of him,and he got 60 years in the can!

2 years ago the king turned 80(on a monday),and it was a huge celebration,and all the people here dressed in yellow shirts to honour the king(thats the colour of the royal house) and they kept on with that,so every monday,if u walked the streets everything was yellow,it looked amazing,then only a while after he got sick,and was in hospital for a while,and when he had recovered,he made a public appereance wearing a pink shirt,and this was a wednesday,so then all the people started wearing pink shirts on wedenesdays!!!!and it kept on like this so on thursdays the had blue shirts,but after a while only the yellow mondays remained.

but last year i was here i put on my yellow shirt,because it was monday,but i was told to change right away!! I didnt understand,but as u probably know,there is political clasches in thailand at the moment,and the people are divivded in to 2 groups:1.the people that support thaksin(ex president)they wear red shirts!! 2.the people that dont support him,they wear yellow shirts.

So if u wear any of these shirts u risk to get your azz kicked or worse if u meet the wrong people..

Today was a normal day I guess,did some forensic work,shot some pictures of a crime scene and..U wondering whats going on huh?

If u followed my blog than u know about my motorbike beeing stolen(but returned)and the police needed some pictures of where i parked the bike the night of the theaft,and i would get my papers back from the cops.

So i went there and thought I would be in and out in 5 minutes,but i was wrong as usuall..

I was shown to his office and when i got there he was interrogating 2 handcuffed youngsters,apparently they had stolen a car,but when i got there he took care of me instead of finishing of with them,and when i gave him my memorycard containing my pictures,he saw some of me boxing and then i was fucked:)one million questions and the afternoon and my plans of starbucks before training was gone in the wind..but it was really interesting spending the afternoon at the station,a lot of badlooking guys in cuffs and they even had a big poster with pictures of wanted people,the guy at the top is worth 5 million bath!!!I will definetely keep an eye up for him!!

wow this turned out to become a long post,but back again on the king and country proud thing,

Its sad that we swedes dont show so much proudness for our country and heritage,I`ve been reading a lot lately about our history,and we got a lot of things to be proud of,we could easily had become a part of denmark at some occacions if some smart and brave people didnt succed with their tasks and battles.wort thinking about i think.

At last i would like to gratulate Sandra Och Pelle and welcome little Eddie in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long Live the King

p.s. the picture is from the poster of the gala on the 19:of december,me and my opponet.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gott att läsa att du verkar ha det bra Hank. Chok Dee min vän. Hoppas jag kan få tid att komma ner till gymmet och svettas lite efter nyår. Har ju en liten nu och det tar tid..

  2. Hej vännen! Usch jag har varit sååå grymt dålig på att läsa din blogg det senaste! Kanske inte e så konstigt iofs, har ju haft lite att stå i! =)
    Eddie tackar för välkomnandet, stort o nämnas över Hankys blogg :)
    Hoppas du har det bra annars och att allt löser sig med VM o så! Vi får höras över FB nån dag, tjöta lite skit! =) Men du, se till o dra till stranden o bli lite BRUN!! Du kan ju inte komma hem som en blekfis denna gången mää hehe! Pelle hälsar så gott o Eddie med!
    Puss o Kram
