tisdag 4 oktober 2011


Hello all my loyal followers(i know 1 has read the last post thx jonas)

I"ve been busy trying to learn my new friend bangkok,or khrung thep as we thais call it:) ive been walking miles to discover my neighborhood,its preety cool with the park and there is a giant market close buy where u can buy all sort of living animals pigs,all varietes of birds and even girls if u go the next street....i has also been travelling around town on the BTS(skytrain) its really fun.

I have ofcourse also been busy at the camp,i train at Rompo Gym,its a rough camp,japanese owned but with really good thaitrainers,they really like my style,say im same same thai,when i kick pads(thank you Densiam<3) i made friends with 3 guys,2 from israel and 1 from switzerland,so its nice,first 2 days i felt a little bit lonely in this +10 million city.
each morning we run to the park,and in the afternoons we train at the camp,its incredible how much stronger u get day by day,by training and eating good food each day!!

I just saw the movie Contagious,it was reaaly good,i saw at a real luxury mall,and i have to get back to the slum,quite a bit of chaneghe of scenery i can tell u,i will fix my camera so i can upload some pictures.

its getting late now,soon time to walk home,the other day i was walking home,and this guy passed me with a fucking sword !!!! he was hiding it behind his leg,and walking towards a group of motorbiketaxiguys,1 of the guy saw the knife,and then all hell broke loose,i ran like mr.bolt man!!! walked by the same place next morning on my way to the park,bet there was no blood on the ground.

ok evrybody,have a nice day where ever you R

xxx hanky

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