måndag 7 november 2011

change of senery and duckbrain

hello to ya all!!!

its been a while(also a great song by staind)if anyone misses my small ramblings...

I was going to stand firm in bangkok and to ride the floodings out,but my 2 swiss friends deicided to make a run for it,wich left me alone,and all the other westerners had left the camp,so the training wasnt that good,so i took my bag and left to pattaya,to say hello to my friend PO,the president of our notorius gang Team Busig.He went to thailand many years ago and fell in love with a girl here,and that girl happened to be Skylabs sister,he then lived here in their small village for many years,and some years later i went to thailand and feel in love with a girl,and when we all got together at a party,it turned out that my girlfriends village and skylabs village is a mear 40 minutes apart,and a girl from my girlfriends family had married a guy from skylabs family some years back,and this made us all family in the thaistyle way of familytrees.

Ok,back to topic,i tried out a new camp here,and it was really good,many scandinavians and almost all were bigger than me,so i had some good sparring and clinchwork,so i decided to stay.

My new base of operations is a small room in the sleepy thaiquarters of this otherwise hectic town.Not only is it cheap to stay in the thaiquarters(500kr/månad) but they also have the best streetfood in town here,and u miss out of all the neon and drunk idiots that is dominating this town.

Im going to singapore tomorrow,after my fiasco at the laosborder,im not taking any chances,leaving the country by air gives u 30 fresh days..so singapore it is then!!!

Dont know anything about the country other than u cant spit on the street or throw litter,massive fines for that shit..And most important info i have about the town,is that a barman invented the singapore gin sling at raffles hotel,so im going there to try the original..and there is a famous restaurant in the indian district(where i also booked a room) where u eat from banana leafs,and u have to eat with your left hand,im soo gonna forget that!!

I have a funny restaurant story,the other day i was at a restaurant with some friends,really nice,we were laying down under the stars eating and listening to soft thaimusic,we had many different plates of foods,and one 1 plate there was wjat to me looked like small ribs with a peace of meat hanging out on the end,i thought it must be duck or something,it was delicious and i almost finished all the ribs myself,i tild lab to order another one,and whats it called so i can order it myself,he then explained it was duckbrain,it turned out that the rib,was infact the ducks beek,and the meat on the end,was its head..but in the end it was delicious,so i ate the other plate by myself..

soon i have to go train,but if u reading this Damien,thx for 1 class company,and i will take u up on that offer:)first time i meet a pilot that is scared of heights...LOl.say hello to the misses.

Over and out from a sweaty guy.

the picture on top is the breakfast buffet i got at my friend chais place,just to eat and look happy,fried egg,fried bugs and fried ekoxar...breakfasts for champions....

love and miss u all


torsdag 27 oktober 2011

the visarun from hell and dragons


been a while since i cleared my mind in letters for u and me to read.but here we go,a lot of stuff has been going on over here.i came back this morning from a night bus from ubon ratchathani.I was supposed to fly home,but the don muang airports is under water so it didnt work out.The water situation overhere its getting worse,the news say that my part of bangkok is gonna be hit tomorrow.my house and all others have sandbags lined up,and its really hard to find water in the shops,and there is some boats also here and there.

Back to Laos and my visa run,i flew to ubon and took a bus to chong mek(bordercrossing to laos) ive been there many times before,but this time i was gonna spend the night in laos,to get 30 fresh days in my passport instead of 15..

So i crossed the border,changed some money,i got almost 1 million kip,felt rich and took a bus to pakse,a beutiful town situated between 2 rivers.

Ate the local food and drank the local beer andf had a nice night.Next day woke up and whwn to a french coffeshop i read about somewhere.(laos was once a colony of the french) they where supposed to have great coffee and baguettes and croisantts and stuff.The breakfast was lovely,the coffee was grown just 40 minutes from the shop(i bought a bag) i looked at the mekhongriver and felt that this is gonna be a GREAT day,i was gonna go back to thailand,and be picked up by my friend Chai who lives close by.

I had done a BIG mistake,u r supposed to get a visa as soon as u cross the border to laos,i didnt know that,so when i went to thaiimmigration to get 30 new days and cross the border,HELL brake loose!!!!! the thaiofficer looked at my passport and asked me where is my laosvisa,then i start to realize my mistake and a small nonpleasent feeling started to grow in my big belly..u have broken Laos law,we must take u back in laos,i got escorted back in laos with some officers and i was shitting my pants,They r crazy about visumlaws and overstays over here.if u dont have a legit visa and the cops finds out,u go straight to prison and then thet take u to the airport where u have to buy a new ticket and fly home,some people spend a few days in prison some a lot more.

So imagine my feeling when i went inside a small and hot office with 2 mean looking militaryguys staring at me,they start to shout as hell the same sentence over and over again -U COME LAOS NR 24TODAY NR 25 WHERE IS YOUR VISA!!! and stuffed my passport in my face.

I tried to play cool and say im sorry over and over,but inside i was cracking up...Then they said we have to go back to Pakse and to the policestation..Istarted to speak thai,that i was extremly sorry and that i was a thaiboxer(militarypeople love that shit) and after a while,one of the guys kneeled forward and whispered in my ear-4000bath.maaan i felt so good as he whispered those word in my ear.just the normal visa i forgot is almost 2000bath,so i only paid 2000 bath in fines,but i couldnt smile then they probably would ask for more.so i looked shocked and said 4000 bath??? then i said okay,and took up 450 000 kip and 13000bath from my pocket and handed him the money,i saw in his eyes that now they realized they could asked for more money,but the papers were signed,or not signed really i signed the paper with my thumbprint:)

I was also almost eaten alive from some sort of lizard(looks a komodo dragon) i was yring around in bangkok,and it was crazy hot,so i went in lumpinipark,bought an icelatte and laid down under a tree and read my book and chilled,then fall aslepp..woke up and i could feel something staring at me,turned around and there is this massive dragon,i flew up,because i now that there saliva is really toxic,then it turned around and started to chase some pigeons nearby.As i was walking around in the park i spotted 4 more of the beasts swimming or chilling in the shadescrazy ass park!!!!!!

Wow,it sounds like its only negative shit over here,prison,floodings,dragons..but that is the charm,back home u kind a know what the week is gonna bring,but over here evryday is never the same.

on the top is a picture of the dragon.

okay nice to share some shit with ya!!!

kram allihoppa!!!

mr hanky panky

torsdag 20 oktober 2011


sawwat dii 2 u all!!

a few minutes ago i was standing under a roof taking shelter for the rain,then a basket on a rope,came down from a apartment 3 floors up,i thought wtf?? in the basket was 30 bath.Then the owner from the restaurant over the street came and put some food in the basket and took the money,obviously the guy upstairs didnt want to get wet:) stuff like this happens all the time and its the charm with thailand iguess,there is nothing like sit on the "flak" on a pickup truck sipping on a beer or looking at the stars.

On my way home from my afternoon run, I was offered food from one guy and beer from another,there is almost no europeans where i live and when u walk the streets 3 out of 5 guys will say-HELLO!! or say -u boxing?? and throw some punches in the air:) and some streets are quit shady and really poor,but i never get scared,i only smile when i meet someone and u ALWAYS get a BIG smile back.if u act like that back home on a saturday night people will think u a little bit weird i recon..

My days r quite the same really,train in the morning and afternoon,then chill as much as i can when i can.

It is a tough life to stay here as a boxer,your legs are always hurting from all running,kicks,knees u do in the day,and i love the thaifood i eat every day,but sometimes i feel like i need an award from the basic style i live.

Then i put on my suit and i go out and about to really nice restaurants or wine bars.

I had so much good food and cheeses and wine,and its all real cheap if u compare to back home!!

This weekend im going to the oriental(acclaimed as the worlds best hotel) to have a sundaybrunch) and on saturday im gonna go to 1 of all the skybars bangkok has to offer.

I have to enter a new country to get 30 new days,and im not sure where to go,first i thought i go to my old home(ubon) and from there go to laos,but there is so many cheap tickets to other nearby countries,anyone have a suggestion???

oki,got to go and say hello to lab,he spent the night at the policestation,so i have to see what that was about;)

todays picture is my homemade washingmachine!!!!

big love to my family and all my friends,miss u every day over here!!!!


torsdag 13 oktober 2011

padwork,jetskis and dreams

waz up?

today i had a kinda normal day,woke up,it was raining cats and dogs(more about that later) so i went down to the gym and skipped rope and kicked bag and did some other exersices,my new friend ithai,from israel is in the army and has showed me some really nice exersices.

after training i went to the old lady on the corner(she is a wicked chef) ate some good food and then of to the room and chilled.At lunchtime i went to starbucks and then to the barber to get a haircut and a shave(12kr) it was nice gave me a head and shouldermassage.then i ate some tom yang goong(8kr) Todays training was really good,the padrounds becomes easier and FUNNIER day by day,but i need 2 more weeks to get in real fightshape,but a promoter who checked me out today,wanted me to fight on saturday,and i said yes,but my trainers said no,they also now im not in fightshape,so well se what happens.Its just fun to have a fight,ofcourse i go in 100% to win but its just good experience and fun.i won my first 10 fights and thought that if i loose im gonna be devasteted,but when i lost my first fight,it was okay,everybody can have a bad day at the office you know?over here im doing this because its my passion but also for the money,fighting pays your rent,so i thought if i fight on saturday i buy myself a nice plasmatv(have my xbox 360 with me)

About the raining situation here,its really bad,i like the rain because it cools the city down,but thailand is in a state of emrgancy at the moment,big parts of thailand is under water,whole towns is submerged in floodwater,and it has hit the outskirts of bangkok,i saw a police patrolling the streets in northbangkok on a jetski in the paper,and everywhere the are piling up with sandbags and small plasticboats,even on my street so im pretty glad my room is on the 4th floor.

the picture above is from the park.

"Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be"/Joy page

ha det underbart allihop!!!

mr spanky

söndag 9 oktober 2011

Mixing it up...

Hello si,everybody!!!

Life over here is still sabaii as hell,i said it before,but Bangkok is a cool town man.
After a week filled with sweety training,and simple life in my microword in this town,i thought i had myself a treat,so i dressed up nice,and went on a walkabout,i ended up in a luxurymall,and had the best sushi ever,it was a traditional sishibar,where the chef made the sushi infront of u as you ordered,and each time one was finished he clapped real high,after that i went to a wine bar,to have a nice glas of wine,its just bad the serve the red wine freezing cold...but i thought of goran as i saw the winebars menu,beefcarpaccio with parmesan and truffles 40kr,im going back this weekend to try it out( i was ful of tuna and kobibeef sushi at the time).and as i read the bangkok post some days ago,I saw that 2 chefs from El Bulli is gonna have a guestplay at a luxuryrestaurant this friday(the spanish restaurant was the worlds no.1 restaurant for many years until 2 years ago,when the danish restaurant Noma got the 1 place by the Guide Rouge jury.When El Bulli held the title it could take over 1 year to get a reservation,and outside their restaurant,wich is located in barcelona,they have a big sign that says:We dont serve children,we are proffesionals! pretty cool ha?

But its gonna be a little bit awkward to put on a costume(got one tailored for me now) and attend the winetasting and the dinner,then go home to my shitty room:)

But,today is monday and i have the week before me with training,my new friends have started to train at another gym,but i paid for 1 month,so that sucks a little,its me and some iranian guys.

But my trainer is really good,and we have some realy nice padrounds.

ok,its time to go and eat some,and then rest before training.

Have a good day wherever u are!!!

If a man does his best,what else is there? /G.Patton

love and xxxx


torsdag 6 oktober 2011

everyday stuff iguess:)

Sawaat Dii Krap mr.Lingnoi!!

thats what the girls at starbucks say when i cruise in there after lunch,ive been there almost every day and now i can just sit down in a cozy armchair and wait for my big black cock,oops cup of coffee arrive,besides from the training its the best moment of the day,to relax my legs from the morning run and to read the bangkok post,and when that is finished i open my book and enter my imaginary world(its really big) right now im reading ken folletts epic story of the first part of the 1900 century,u follow 5 different families from brittain,russia,america,germany as WW1 breaks loose.Its really good and i just cant wait for the 2 part.Jan guillou has made his own books of the 1900 century after insoiration after mr.Follett.

there is a 7 year old kid sitting next to me,who has MAD skills at counterstrike!! Damn...

Now things r quit basic,we train and we hang out eating,talking fights.
I have only been training a week,but the first days padrounds was murder,but today i really enjoyed them,my trainer Lek is really good and we like to sparr and challenge eachother during padsrounds.

I got an offer for a fight the very first day in the gym,its a show in november.There was a filmcrew here last night to film me training and stuff,i think they r gonna send the fights live to japan(the owner of rompo gym is from japan) im gonna meet a guy from Iran.but during my last stay in thailand 3 out of 4 fights got cancelled,but im hoping this will happen.tomorrow i might go to Ikea who is opening its first store in thailand,heard its free meatballs.

and on saturday im gonna go to Ajarn who is making the tatoos on my back,its so fucking painful,but its so worth it..

i got a new cable for my camera so im gonna try to put some pictures up soon.

peace to ya all and if u have a dream,just go do it!!

A man is but a product of his thoughts,what he thinks,he becomes /mahatmahar Ghandi

xxxx mr hanky

tisdag 4 oktober 2011


Hello all my loyal followers(i know 1 has read the last post thx jonas)

I"ve been busy trying to learn my new friend bangkok,or khrung thep as we thais call it:) ive been walking miles to discover my neighborhood,its preety cool with the park and there is a giant market close buy where u can buy all sort of living animals pigs,all varietes of birds and even girls if u go the next street....i has also been travelling around town on the BTS(skytrain) its really fun.

I have ofcourse also been busy at the camp,i train at Rompo Gym,its a rough camp,japanese owned but with really good thaitrainers,they really like my style,say im same same thai,when i kick pads(thank you Densiam<3) i made friends with 3 guys,2 from israel and 1 from switzerland,so its nice,first 2 days i felt a little bit lonely in this +10 million city.
each morning we run to the park,and in the afternoons we train at the camp,its incredible how much stronger u get day by day,by training and eating good food each day!!

I just saw the movie Contagious,it was reaaly good,i saw at a real luxury mall,and i have to get back to the slum,quite a bit of chaneghe of scenery i can tell u,i will fix my camera so i can upload some pictures.

its getting late now,soon time to walk home,the other day i was walking home,and this guy passed me with a fucking sword !!!! he was hiding it behind his leg,and walking towards a group of motorbiketaxiguys,1 of the guy saw the knife,and then all hell broke loose,i ran like mr.bolt man!!! walked by the same place next morning on my way to the park,bet there was no blood on the ground.

ok evrybody,have a nice day where ever you R

xxx hanky