torsdag 6 oktober 2011

everyday stuff iguess:)

Sawaat Dii Krap mr.Lingnoi!!

thats what the girls at starbucks say when i cruise in there after lunch,ive been there almost every day and now i can just sit down in a cozy armchair and wait for my big black cock,oops cup of coffee arrive,besides from the training its the best moment of the day,to relax my legs from the morning run and to read the bangkok post,and when that is finished i open my book and enter my imaginary world(its really big) right now im reading ken folletts epic story of the first part of the 1900 century,u follow 5 different families from brittain,russia,america,germany as WW1 breaks loose.Its really good and i just cant wait for the 2 part.Jan guillou has made his own books of the 1900 century after insoiration after mr.Follett.

there is a 7 year old kid sitting next to me,who has MAD skills at counterstrike!! Damn...

Now things r quit basic,we train and we hang out eating,talking fights.
I have only been training a week,but the first days padrounds was murder,but today i really enjoyed them,my trainer Lek is really good and we like to sparr and challenge eachother during padsrounds.

I got an offer for a fight the very first day in the gym,its a show in november.There was a filmcrew here last night to film me training and stuff,i think they r gonna send the fights live to japan(the owner of rompo gym is from japan) im gonna meet a guy from Iran.but during my last stay in thailand 3 out of 4 fights got cancelled,but im hoping this will happen.tomorrow i might go to Ikea who is opening its first store in thailand,heard its free meatballs.

and on saturday im gonna go to Ajarn who is making the tatoos on my back,its so fucking painful,but its so worth it..

i got a new cable for my camera so im gonna try to put some pictures up soon.

peace to ya all and if u have a dream,just go do it!!

A man is but a product of his thoughts,what he thinks,he becomes /mahatmahar Ghandi

xxxx mr hanky

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