söndag 11 oktober 2009

Basic Life

Right now the rain is poring down outside,and I just saw that Denmark came out as winners from last nights bout with Sweden,that sucks..

Life over here is good as always,its pretty basic and my days intend to look the same,day by day..

i wake up,as always to late..i have to stop my latenight pokersessions! and then i take my bike and speed of to my brothers hotel,and there we eat,and drink coffee and chill out,and then its time for training,and 3 hours later when the training is finished,we go and eat somewhere,last night we treated us with a real nice seafood restaurant,where we ate 2 big snappers and oysters and raw tigershrimps as starters,and a nice crisp chardonnay..very nice and unfortunatly very expensive too..

And in the evenings we mostly hangout on the terrace of the hotel,reading books or playing online poker.So exxept from training im not doing much over here.

I lost 4kg already,and my stamina has increased alot in this little time,my trainers want me to fight soon,but my headtrainer(Becker)back home,says no fights before the IMFA In Bangkok next month,and he is probably right,2 years ago i was gonna compete in the IMFA,but 2o days

before i had a fight and i injured my knee,and couldnt fight for over a year,so it gor the best that i relax and focus for tje IMFA.

I already have a fight scheduled for the 19 of december,its looks to be a really big gala,Posters is already out here,they usually put out posters and advertise 1 week before the fightnights.

I gonna fight a italian guy named christian,i have seen him fight before in bangkok on the tsunami charity gala,so he is gonna be a tough one to crack,I`ve seen pictures of him with several belts.Seems like a good fight,and i think the money will be good(it will pay my ticket to bali).

Now im gonna order a big cup of coffee and read the last pages of "the lost symbol" of Dan Brown,its really good like all of his books,i know the movies suck,but the books is the shit.

ok have a nice day back home,and thanks to krikelin o nastic and sandy,who actually reads my posts;)

puss o kram på er.


3 kommentarer:

  1. Det är riktigt kul att läsa vad som händer i ditt andra liv...

  2. Och kramar till dig. Det är jättekul att läsa om livet du har där nere. :)

  3. JA nu lyssnar du väl på Becker denna gången hoppas jag! =) Det slutar ju bara åt skogen annars som du vet!!
    Allt lugnt här hemma, ingen bebis än TYVÄRR! Börjar bli jobbigt nu, vill bara att det ska komma UT! Men lovar o skicka ett mms från BB sen =) Saknar dig iaf, e inte samma sak här hemma utan Hankypanky :( Puss puss
