lördag 17 oktober 2009

not a nice awakening...

woke up this morning(not a blue song;),in the middle of the night,someone was banging on my door,and lights flashing outside,as i opened the door,i saw 3 police officers,and my stomach turned around,and my blood froze,is was barely awake,but the only thing i could think about,was that something happened to freddie,but it turned out that some idiot had stole my motorbike,infact he was sitting on the pavement,handcuffed and apolagizing..

a few hours earlier he had stolen my bike,i had forgot to lock the handlebar,so he had walked away with it and then outside,his girlfriend started her motorbike,and he had, held on the her so they could get away,but lucky for me,someone had seem them and he understood that they probably had stolen it,since the engine wasnt running.

I had to go with them to the police station,and i knew that this would take a while,im no stranger to the police station here,infact i was there last week,and paid fines(i intend to forget my helmet:) and last week it took me a hour to sort things out,so i knew this would take a while...

9 o clock in the morning i could go home,and i couldnt go back to sleep,because of the light,and the fact that they are building a new hotel on my backyard..so you could just imagine how my training was...i sucked!!

Anyway,now its soon 21.00 in the night and its freddies last saturday here,so i guess maybe we go out and check things out

Ha en trevlig helg där hemma o veva på ni på stadt,så gästerna får krossad is!!!he he'


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