lördag 3 oktober 2009


U might think that somoene who is gonna compete for the national Swedish Team at the IMFA 2009 World Championship,that is held every year in Bangkok,shouldnt have to pay for the ticket down here,hotel,and training fees and on and on,..

Well the thing is that i have to pay for everything myself,i wouldnt be surprised if i had to pay some fee for competing aswell.

Therefore,i spend this summer working my ass of,so i can get down here,and theres been little time for me to train this summer,so now im not even close to my fightingshape,but i have 7 weeks so it wont be a problem.

But there is no need for me to be bitching about this,has been like this since i started train Muay Thai.

But there is some people back home,that helped me on my preparation for the IMFA Championship.

First of all i would like to thank my homecamp FightCampWarberg for always backing me up,and also Magnus and Björn At Kvantum for their help,and at last Johan the owner and founder of the new Fighting and Clothing Brand RING KING,wich i think will be very big soon.

And also to the people that has tried.

Kap kun kap

2 kommentarer:

  1. hej långt borta... kul att kunna läsa om din resa... hoppas att allt är bra med dig.. kramar från carro N

  2. Saknar dig redan vännen, men vet att du har det underbart! =)
    Konstigt o inte ha dig här bara, fast jag borde väl va van vid de här laget haha! Puss puss
