tisdag 24 november 2009

Bangkok is knocking on my door

Sorry,those of u who actually follow this blog:) It`s been a while,but i can say to my defense that i have been busy!!
I have been training really HARD at SITPHOLEK,and for the last days ive been training with 3 guys from the Slovenian national team,they are too gonna fight in Bangkok,so we had some good clinching and sparring together,one of them a 91kg fighter came 2:place last year.
The owner of the gym,Frank,is a real character,goes around in his mjukisbyxor and observing,and as much as he love to trade old warstories,he gives me many valuable tips,he has raised many worldchampions and its no coincidense that a lot of the big stars in K1 drop by to prepare for a fight,this is the gym Ramon Dekker stayed in when he had fights in Thailand!!
Frank spend a lot of time with me,and seems like he thinks the world of me,and he already got some plans for me after Bangkok.(not in a sexual way.he eh)
He got GREAT connections in the fightindustry,and can arrange fights all around the world,so i hope i will be doing some travelling.
About the IMFA he is alittle sceptical,he said that he think i can take gold,but he also said that he wouldnt be suprised if i loose my first fight.
Because the IMFA is very different to a proffesional fight,its 4-2 min rounds,with protection gear,so its very hard to really hurt your opponent,so its all about making points,my style now is proffesional and i do everything with power,and in the clinch i make good knees,and use alot of thaiteqnics,but almost all of the judges are really just coaches that take a 1 day course before the fights start,so they dont now what to be looking for and if i fight my style i would win a real fight,but an IMFA fight i could loose.So we have been training alittle bit on this,but i guess i will do what i always do,try to knock him out and use some of my cowboystyle as Becker calls it.
My last fight under IMFA rules,me and my opponent wasnt really fighting smart,we fought like hell from the start,trying to knock eachother out from the first bell,but it was me who landed the big punches,giving him 2 knockdowns,but he came up each time,but it gave me the win,But what i mean is that if i fight that way here,my opponent will not play the same game,he will be smarter,and i just hope i can be that chill and fight smart.

I guess xmas is on the door,because i can hear xmascarols in the days,and even see a xmastree here and there.I really miss pepparkakor,but my mum is coming next week so i hope she can
bring some.
Other than this not so much to report,i really live a easy life,train eat sleep,but its funny but now i just want to fight,ive been training hard a long time now,and its time to go to work.
I feel really strong and i made my wheight,and now i dont eat that much,you have to check wheight everyday in bangkok.
ok,over and out from thailand

2 kommentarer:

  1. När går du vm ?
    När kommer du hem ?
    Va rädd om dig !! kramar

  2. Hej Henke! Hur går det? Heep us up to date! Nyfiken så att jag håller på att spricka här hemma ju! Tänker på dig! Kramar
