tisdag 24 november 2009

Bangkok is knocking on my door

Sorry,those of u who actually follow this blog:) It`s been a while,but i can say to my defense that i have been busy!!
I have been training really HARD at SITPHOLEK,and for the last days ive been training with 3 guys from the Slovenian national team,they are too gonna fight in Bangkok,so we had some good clinching and sparring together,one of them a 91kg fighter came 2:place last year.
The owner of the gym,Frank,is a real character,goes around in his mjukisbyxor and observing,and as much as he love to trade old warstories,he gives me many valuable tips,he has raised many worldchampions and its no coincidense that a lot of the big stars in K1 drop by to prepare for a fight,this is the gym Ramon Dekker stayed in when he had fights in Thailand!!
Frank spend a lot of time with me,and seems like he thinks the world of me,and he already got some plans for me after Bangkok.(not in a sexual way.he eh)
He got GREAT connections in the fightindustry,and can arrange fights all around the world,so i hope i will be doing some travelling.
About the IMFA he is alittle sceptical,he said that he think i can take gold,but he also said that he wouldnt be suprised if i loose my first fight.
Because the IMFA is very different to a proffesional fight,its 4-2 min rounds,with protection gear,so its very hard to really hurt your opponent,so its all about making points,my style now is proffesional and i do everything with power,and in the clinch i make good knees,and use alot of thaiteqnics,but almost all of the judges are really just coaches that take a 1 day course before the fights start,so they dont now what to be looking for and if i fight my style i would win a real fight,but an IMFA fight i could loose.So we have been training alittle bit on this,but i guess i will do what i always do,try to knock him out and use some of my cowboystyle as Becker calls it.
My last fight under IMFA rules,me and my opponent wasnt really fighting smart,we fought like hell from the start,trying to knock eachother out from the first bell,but it was me who landed the big punches,giving him 2 knockdowns,but he came up each time,but it gave me the win,But what i mean is that if i fight that way here,my opponent will not play the same game,he will be smarter,and i just hope i can be that chill and fight smart.

I guess xmas is on the door,because i can hear xmascarols in the days,and even see a xmastree here and there.I really miss pepparkakor,but my mum is coming next week so i hope she can
bring some.
Other than this not so much to report,i really live a easy life,train eat sleep,but its funny but now i just want to fight,ive been training hard a long time now,and its time to go to work.
I feel really strong and i made my wheight,and now i dont eat that much,you have to check wheight everyday in bangkok.
ok,over and out from thailand

måndag 16 november 2009

change of scenery

My ass still feels sour after all the travelling i`ve been doing lately!!

I started to travel to Chong Mek,a bordertown to laos,to fix my Visa,its a hazzle like nothing else,u cross the border and then u have to fix a visa to stay in laos,its good for thirty days,but i intend to stay for about 30 minutes,just to get the right stamps in my passport,so i can return back with 60 new days,but then u come to the laos immigration office,a small boxhouse,with as many small windows as there are corners,and in every window u get a sheet of paper,that u have to fill in,and then its of to the next window..It makes swedish akassa procedures look like a walk in the park!!

When i finally came back to the camp,I had a quick shower,than it was of to Bangkok,Puja the topfighter of the camp was gonna fight in a big tournament,ther next day so me and Densiam made a 12 hour roadtrip to bangkok.

I stayed in Bangkok for a a quick lunch,then i took a bus back to pattaya,where im gonna spend the last time before its back to bangkok and the IMFA,When i reached pattaya i had been on the travelling road for almost 30 hours,So now i dont go anywhere if its not necessary..

As I was sitting waiting for my bus in eakomol bus station,i saw the backpackers arriving,some small girls struggling with backpacks double there size,all sweaty and hunchedbacked over the heavy bags,when they finally got the bags of,they joined the rest of the backpackers(they appear to be flockanimals)And then the basic questions started within the group.

Have u been there?u got any tips of cheap hotels?,any cheap restaurants there?

I took a big sipp of my diet coke and laughed for myself,these peopla are here on holiday,but they spend all this time on cheap smelly busses,to arrive to a cheap small bungalow and then its of to the next place...

Not much of a holiday if u ask me.

Ok,back to track,the training was really good in sor.suwanne and i got some magic in me aswell,but im here now to get some sparring and get some boxingrounds.

Im training now at Sitpholek,a very diffrent gym from sor.suwanne,Sitpholek is like a badboygym,U got the hells angels training in the gym and stuff,but its good training and a lot of big guys to sparr with.I was offered to fight in a 8 man tournament later this year,could be quite cool.

Sparred and clinched lastnight with a frenchman my size,he was alright,but i saw that he got tired quick,so i fired in some good punches to his stomach and stepped up the paze,and he stopped soon after.so good for the confidence for me.

Puja won his first fight in the tournament,and now its only 4 guys left,and the winner get 1 milllion bath,one car and 80bath of gold(1 bath of gold is wort about 17 ooo Bath)

So it could be a good next month for Sor Suwanne!!!

Its time to go home and rest now for the trainingsession later,i just hope i dont scratch any of the bikers harleys outside the gym,then it could be a tough session:)

I have an idea to print up a Bandidos tshirt and wear on the training,to see how the H.A. guys react..what u think?

Have a nice day wherever u are!!!


p.s kristin,jag e inte alls avundsjuk på förmiddags fikat..usch ryser av bara tanken....:)

bild ovan:puja sor.suwanne in action( blå byxor)

onsdag 11 november 2009

thizz anf that

Just came to phibun,its a small town some kilomoters from the village i live in,and i go here almost everyday to visit the internetplace they got,to be apart of the civilised world,and to see whats going on out there.I love to ride my bike to get here,the hot air blowing in my face and the sound of hakan hellstrom in my ears,on the way here today a big bus slowed down and drove slowly next to me,all the people on the bus wawed and screamed,exept some small kids who looked withbig eyes at the white guy driving net to them and singing loudly on a foreign language.
Im the only white guy in my village and probably the only white guy in the surrounding areas,so wherever i go,i cause a scene,its probably this way all the celebreties feel like,all the people i meet scream at you-Hello!! or just points a finger and whisper amongst themselves,and i can always make out the word farang(svartskalle,fast i ett positivt menande)And when i start speak thai with them,well then im a superstar,getting standing ovations:)
but most of the time i just play stupid,like i dont understand a world,because i now all the questions they gonna ask.where u from,how old are u,and most important,do u have a wife?
and if i answer no,then all hell break loose, YOU NO HAVE WIFE????
It turns out everybody has got a daughter that they want mee to meet....

OK,so now some stuff is going on,Tomorrow i have to go to laos to fix my visa and then its of to Bangkok,my friend puja is fighting there on saturday,and i probably will stay in Bangkok and train until its time for the IMFA.
So a lot of travelling to come..
gotta go

måndag 9 november 2009

some pics

some old pictures of my trainers glorydays(he is the darkest of the boxers)
and also him and his wife and daughter and at last senchai and his youngbrother slaughtering a chicken:)

söndag 8 november 2009

Another weekend is coming to its end,but up here there is no such things as weekends and sundays of and so on.Everyday is a workday and the rice doesnt cut itself even if its sunday..and same thing goes for the camp,we train everyday,but im alone now at the camp,my friend baow(nungjakawan)has some days off after his fight.

And what a fight,we went to ubon in the morning and checked wheight with the promoters,and he didnt have to put on his rubbersuit and go run to make his wheight,so it started good,in the night we went back and before it was time i went to a bookie and made a bet of 1000bath on him to win.

the first 2 rounds he was lazy as hell,jost goofing around and laughing(as he does 24/7)

but in the 3 round he started moving inside on his opponent and fired away razorsharp knees to his opponents stomach and ribs in the clinch and you could see that he was in trouble,he started boxing towards baow out of desperation,but all he was hitting was air,baow moved around him perfectly and continued to land sharp knees(all the time with a big smile on his face)

in round 4 his opponent had lost all stamina from the knees and didnt do anything at all,so the ref stopped the fight!!

so TKO round 4 and hanky doubled up!!!!

It was a hell of a wedding asweell,it started in the camp in the morning and then in the night it was in a schools auditorium,about 250 people came!

I was the only sober person,so i didnt have that much fun,and the training was cancelled due to the wedding,so i got restless after my daily intake of 2 big cups of coffee,so i started help the ladies out and clean the tables and stuff,to all the mens amusement:)but i got tired of all the drunk people who wanted to drink and talk with the whiteguy..these cant stand their liquier..he he.

I followed a guy home,he was too drunk to ride his motorbike,he lived outside the village in the middle of a ricefield,so beutiful,I mean his house is like something i could build in a day with a hammer and some nail,but to live so close to nature..just beutiful.

his 10 year old son started to chase a hen around,and it took about 10 minutes to get the hen so tired so he could catch it,then he slid its troath and drained the blood in a jar,and began to rip its geather off...10 years old!!! His name is Saenchai,and i really like him,he trains with us,and he is always smiling and tries the few english words he know at me.

10 years old and already had over 10 fights and knows how to kill a hen,some kid i would say..

At the weedingparty i was wearing a thaiboxing t shirt,that said lumpinee stadium(the finest muay thai arena in thailand)and a guy at my table said that he used to be a champion at lumpinee stadium,and it turned out that he wasnt bullshitting.thought that was pretty cool.But half of the peopla there were old nakmuays(boers)because of my trainer ofcourse.we looked today at an old scrapbook that he got from his glorydays,amazing pictures,i will try to upload some soon,man he was strong as hell,he started to train when he was 18,wich is really old for thaipeople,most guys start when they are about 10 years old,but only after 2 years he was fighting in lumpinee and became one of the biggest fighters of that era!!!

the people named him Densiam(star of thailand).But in the end of his career,he fell in love with a girl selling snacks and soda at a stadium he was boxing at,and they married and he moved to her hometown Bahn Sangkeaw,and started up the camp Sor.Suwanne(suwanne is a mix of their lastnames)

and he ran the camp himself so he could only have 2 fighters,so all the kids in the village showed up at the camp to show that they were one of those 2.

He deicided for a small 9 year old called puja,and another guy.

Today puja is a superstar in thailand(world champion),and lately also Nungjakawan,and the camp is considered one of the best in thailand.

And some years ago a Swedish guy named henke went to thailand to train Thaiboxing and he went like many other tourists to koh samui,and trained there and there he fell in love with a thaigirl,she mentioned that her family had a muay thaicamp in her home village.But henke didnt think about this until there was a huge fundraising event in bangkok,all the biggest popstars,moviestars,and also thaiboxers would raise money for the tsunamivictims,and in the newspaper there was one boxer on the coverpage,and in the tv ad for the fundraiser he got the most airtime,and then henkes girlfriend said thats her friend,and henke asked her how she could know this superstar.

He grow up the house next to me ,he is the superstar of our camp named Sor Suwanne!!!

The boxers name was ofcourse Puja Sor.Suwanne and the girl henke had fell in love with was the young sister of the girl that densiam had married.

We went to the gala in bangkok and i meet Densiam for the first time(and puja)

and he invited me to the camp,and the rest is history iguess,I been training here a lot since then.

and Densiam speaks to me as his son,he really wanted a son that he could teach muay thai,but he got 3 girls,so when i got in the picture he took me in his family.

OOPs now he came in the door,we are going to eat out tonight,in thailand the family of the groom has to bring a weeding gift to the family of the bride so Densiam got 200 000Bath for his daughter last night,so i guess we are gonna eat good tonight!!!!!!!

ha det fint alla!!!

mvh Henke SOr.Suwanne

P.Sjag o nungjakawan pa bilden efter hans match o hans dotter pa brollopsdan

tisdag 3 november 2009

back to basic

The rooster is screaming its head of!!!
Thats means its just after 5.00 in the morning,and time to wake up,I try to hide under my blanket,but after a few minutes I hear a voice=LEO LEO henki wake up bai wing!!!
Its my friend Baow or Nungjakawan as he is known in the Muay thai circus.
Its time to go and run,I go in the toilet and splash some icecold water in my face to get my brain started,and on with my shoes and we are off ,only a few minutes and the treehouses fades away and all i can see is endless ricefields..
Yeah thats how my days start now,Im finally in Ban Sangkeaw and living and training at the camp Sor.Suwanne.
The training is so tough u cant imagine,but i wouldnt have it anyother way,i feel 100% alive and at peace when i stay here,Inbetween the training all u do is relax,and the air is so fresh,and the landscape is so beutiful,u cant imagine.
im gonna stay here and train unril its time to go to bangkok to fight.I have to leave the country before no 26 this month,so its perfect because the border to laos is only 40 minutes away,so its just op on the bike.
Last night my trainer asked me if i miss my home,and then i realized i havnt given any thoughts at all about my life back home,family friends etc..Felt really strange when i realized that,I guess im so focused on training and when im not training my mind is resting as is the rest of my body.
So last night i couldnt sleep because i started to think about my life back home..
I just want to say i mis u all!!!!
So whats going on in the camp i live in now?
Ok,the big thing this month is that the trainers eldest daugter Noom(means milk) is getting married and its gonna be a biig party,with media attending and stuff,My trainer/extra daddy in life is the owner/trainer of Sor suwanne(one of the most respected thaiboxningscamps in thailand)he is also 2 time world champion himself 20 years ago(and as many kilos:)
Nungjakawan has a big fight on friday,and a lot of people has bet a loot of money,so its gonna be exciting,but he is in really good shape,so i think he will win.
Ok,time to go and eat and get back to my vilage,i have to travel to a town some kilomoters away to be able to get online,and the electric comes and goes so im scared to write to long.
love u all