måndag 28 september 2009

On my way....

Im writing for u now from the airport,im trying to keep my mind busy,and try to forget that i soon gonna sit in a fuckin tin can a mile up in the sky,and its blowing like hell today(good for u arild,but its sucks for me;)Before i wasnt scared of flying,but i was in a inscident one time on my way back from thailand,and since that i`ve had butterflies the size of elephants in my stomach,maybe its an age thing..
Anyway,im going to thailand to train and get some ring time,and im also gonna reprezent Sweden in IFMA World championship,wich takes place in bangkok 27 nov-to 5 dec.Im gonna fight in the A class in -86kg.

Ok,its time to go to the gate i guess.

Have a nice day,and to my family and friends,i miss u already!!!!!!


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