måndag 16 november 2009

change of scenery

My ass still feels sour after all the travelling i`ve been doing lately!!

I started to travel to Chong Mek,a bordertown to laos,to fix my Visa,its a hazzle like nothing else,u cross the border and then u have to fix a visa to stay in laos,its good for thirty days,but i intend to stay for about 30 minutes,just to get the right stamps in my passport,so i can return back with 60 new days,but then u come to the laos immigration office,a small boxhouse,with as many small windows as there are corners,and in every window u get a sheet of paper,that u have to fill in,and then its of to the next window..It makes swedish akassa procedures look like a walk in the park!!

When i finally came back to the camp,I had a quick shower,than it was of to Bangkok,Puja the topfighter of the camp was gonna fight in a big tournament,ther next day so me and Densiam made a 12 hour roadtrip to bangkok.

I stayed in Bangkok for a a quick lunch,then i took a bus back to pattaya,where im gonna spend the last time before its back to bangkok and the IMFA,When i reached pattaya i had been on the travelling road for almost 30 hours,So now i dont go anywhere if its not necessary..

As I was sitting waiting for my bus in eakomol bus station,i saw the backpackers arriving,some small girls struggling with backpacks double there size,all sweaty and hunchedbacked over the heavy bags,when they finally got the bags of,they joined the rest of the backpackers(they appear to be flockanimals)And then the basic questions started within the group.

Have u been there?u got any tips of cheap hotels?,any cheap restaurants there?

I took a big sipp of my diet coke and laughed for myself,these peopla are here on holiday,but they spend all this time on cheap smelly busses,to arrive to a cheap small bungalow and then its of to the next place...

Not much of a holiday if u ask me.

Ok,back to track,the training was really good in sor.suwanne and i got some magic in me aswell,but im here now to get some sparring and get some boxingrounds.

Im training now at Sitpholek,a very diffrent gym from sor.suwanne,Sitpholek is like a badboygym,U got the hells angels training in the gym and stuff,but its good training and a lot of big guys to sparr with.I was offered to fight in a 8 man tournament later this year,could be quite cool.

Sparred and clinched lastnight with a frenchman my size,he was alright,but i saw that he got tired quick,so i fired in some good punches to his stomach and stepped up the paze,and he stopped soon after.so good for the confidence for me.

Puja won his first fight in the tournament,and now its only 4 guys left,and the winner get 1 milllion bath,one car and 80bath of gold(1 bath of gold is wort about 17 ooo Bath)

So it could be a good next month for Sor Suwanne!!!

Its time to go home and rest now for the trainingsession later,i just hope i dont scratch any of the bikers harleys outside the gym,then it could be a tough session:)

I have an idea to print up a Bandidos tshirt and wear on the training,to see how the H.A. guys react..what u think?

Have a nice day wherever u are!!!


p.s kristin,jag e inte alls avundsjuk på förmiddags fikat..usch ryser av bara tanken....:)

bild ovan:puja sor.suwanne in action( blå byxor)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vad spännande du har det, en verklig kontrast till hur du lever här. Alltid lika roligt att gå in här och läsa om dina upptåg. ;) I vår ska vi på P-resa. Chamonix, Rom, Istanbul eller Barcelona. Vart vill du åka? Ska vi skriva upp dig på någon? Idag spöregnar det här och jag är på väg för att göra ett 12-23 pass. Ha det fint Henke. kram

  2. Jag håller med Kristin. Vilken kontrast! Kör hårt nu men se till att komma hem snart för vi på Stadt saknar dig massor. Massa kramar från princess!

    Ps. Välj Barca, dit ska jag och Göran.. ;-) Ds
