onsdag 30 september 2009

Framme i mitt paradis

Sawaat dii Krap!!!
Ok where do istart..hmm my time in Thailand started earlier than expected,as i was sitting in the boring terminal in Helsinki near my gate,reading my book,all of a sudden 200 thais came in(apparently the berrypicking season is over in Finland) and they werent quiet like the rest of us,they made a hell of noise in that terminal,because they spent 2 months in finland picking berries,and now they were all gonna go back so all of the gamblings debts had to be cleared out,i enjoyed every second of it,on the plane i sat down next to a young thai named shadFetow,and a old thaiwoman,wich was perfect because she didnt eat falang(thai for european) food,so i got dubble servings!!!!

When i landed,my friend Skylab picked us up(me and fredde)and then the welcome party started,we went to another friend and sat in the street drinking some beers and made some barbeque thai style,and then went out in the neon night!!

So today ive been pretty tired,been to the beach and then went to a thaicamp and checked it out,i will go there tomorrow and train,its pretty cool camp,everything is woredown and dirty,just the way i like it,if camps are brand new and everything ist the latest shit,then its not for me.

Ok so i will tell u tomorrow about the camp,until then have good one!!
now i will go to the cinema and see what they are showinh this week.


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