måndag 7 november 2011

change of senery and duckbrain

hello to ya all!!!

its been a while(also a great song by staind)if anyone misses my small ramblings...

I was going to stand firm in bangkok and to ride the floodings out,but my 2 swiss friends deicided to make a run for it,wich left me alone,and all the other westerners had left the camp,so the training wasnt that good,so i took my bag and left to pattaya,to say hello to my friend PO,the president of our notorius gang Team Busig.He went to thailand many years ago and fell in love with a girl here,and that girl happened to be Skylabs sister,he then lived here in their small village for many years,and some years later i went to thailand and feel in love with a girl,and when we all got together at a party,it turned out that my girlfriends village and skylabs village is a mear 40 minutes apart,and a girl from my girlfriends family had married a guy from skylabs family some years back,and this made us all family in the thaistyle way of familytrees.

Ok,back to topic,i tried out a new camp here,and it was really good,many scandinavians and almost all were bigger than me,so i had some good sparring and clinchwork,so i decided to stay.

My new base of operations is a small room in the sleepy thaiquarters of this otherwise hectic town.Not only is it cheap to stay in the thaiquarters(500kr/månad) but they also have the best streetfood in town here,and u miss out of all the neon and drunk idiots that is dominating this town.

Im going to singapore tomorrow,after my fiasco at the laosborder,im not taking any chances,leaving the country by air gives u 30 fresh days..so singapore it is then!!!

Dont know anything about the country other than u cant spit on the street or throw litter,massive fines for that shit..And most important info i have about the town,is that a barman invented the singapore gin sling at raffles hotel,so im going there to try the original..and there is a famous restaurant in the indian district(where i also booked a room) where u eat from banana leafs,and u have to eat with your left hand,im soo gonna forget that!!

I have a funny restaurant story,the other day i was at a restaurant with some friends,really nice,we were laying down under the stars eating and listening to soft thaimusic,we had many different plates of foods,and one 1 plate there was wjat to me looked like small ribs with a peace of meat hanging out on the end,i thought it must be duck or something,it was delicious and i almost finished all the ribs myself,i tild lab to order another one,and whats it called so i can order it myself,he then explained it was duckbrain,it turned out that the rib,was infact the ducks beek,and the meat on the end,was its head..but in the end it was delicious,so i ate the other plate by myself..

soon i have to go train,but if u reading this Damien,thx for 1 class company,and i will take u up on that offer:)first time i meet a pilot that is scared of heights...LOl.say hello to the misses.

Over and out from a sweaty guy.

the picture on top is the breakfast buffet i got at my friend chais place,just to eat and look happy,fried egg,fried bugs and fried ekoxar...breakfasts for champions....

love and miss u all
